We know how busy you are each day.
So make things easier for yourself by using our order form or amazing new E-Store to either make an inquiry or to reserve your local car parts for next day collection at the best prices possible.
You can then simply collect your orders at Pound Lane Auto Discounts, 206 Pound Lane, Bowers Gifford, Basildon, Essex, SS13 2JS.
Established for over 30 years as the number one supplier of car spares and accessories in Basildon and Essex.
We will respond by email or phone, as the parts arrive allowing you to collect at a time that is convenient for you.
What could be easier than that?
Start by using our great online E-Store below to simply place your registration number in the field, and search from a huge range of car parts
If however your part cannot be located through our E-Store then simply complete the order form below, and well...........leave the rest up to us.
We will search around for you and contact you if we are successful..........and generally we are.
We have been around for a long time after all.
Thanks for letting us help you, and we look forward to being of assistance in the future.